DomeQ is over party

Hello! I would not have written this if it were not for the behavior of a certain individual, his name is DomeQ. He runs his own Hosting "" which he wants to promote as much as possible.

Let's start with his website ... Of course, he can't do something himself, but only be a parasite and steal from others. Its homepage was copied 100% from Of course, I recommend that you compare and find out for yourself ...


And yes, you told that you done that!

Now listen, it's gonna be funny, and it's going to be cheeky. Domeq once made Token Grabber public on YouTube, when you downloaded this program your token went to DomeQ's Webhook

The next argument will be spreading not true information ... DomeQ on its server has published a message comparing other hosts with its hosting. As you can imagine, the data is obviously fake ...

The next argument is that DomeQ uses stolen cards and credit accounts to improve boost levels. He admitted it himself